I met Jesus...

English                                                                            German

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I know Christine and Ulrike personally and trust them with my life. They are a blessing for the children in Africa! God bless them!

Follower of Jesus

In 2008 I found my way to Jesus (or better: Jesus found me...)and since then I try to follow him as much as I can.

That's why you find some worship music among my publications as well as biblical musicals.


Guitargalaxy ministries

The idea is to let people know what I believe and why in my guitar recitals. My music is my prayer.

How I met Jesus...
My meeting with God
Meine Begegnung mit Gott.pdf
PDF-Dokument [235.4 KB]

You wonder about this and want to know more?

Contact me!

Most of my music is free. However I support this charity and mission in Africa. The two ladies in the picture help the Massai survive. Please donate!

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© Thomas Seeck © guitargalaxy.org